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Earth-Based Spirituality

We all inhabit this Earth, in all of its mystery and beauty. When we lean into and get curious about forming a relationship with nature, it can often provide meaning and guidance to our lives. The trees, oceans, rivers, animals, mountains, moss, plants, rocks, crystals, and the planets are all gateways into our internal world.


Our bodies are made up of the minerals in the Earth. Our emotional tears are the same chemical compound as the ocean. We are meant to be here, to feel, and to connect with the wander of this planet. Many indigenous tribes know this well. Our ancestors knew this well. I honor the wisdom teachings of those who came before us, as they carry the grounded spiritual seeds of our interconnectedness. 

  • Cyclical Living
  • Forest Bathing
  • Seasonal Ceremonies
  • Tracking Moon Cycles
  • Medicine Wheel Wisdom
  • Energy Clearing Resources and Tools
  • Mandala Making
  • Guided Imagery Meditation
  • Grounded Yoga and Breathwork
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